In my time...
В мое время ...
في وقتي...
내 시간에...
"acid-washed phono"
material girl, immaterial world. i make aggressively unhinged art
what do you think, how
i used to have a big thing written here but i got self-conscious one night and deleted it all
map textures
these are mainly advertisement texture hi-res exports from my cyberpunk mapping project
reach out and touch someone
baufirma (hardly my own creation)
destructofest 2087
gangrenous limb clinic
citizen reminder
find your inner self (hardly my own creation)
forever in your grasp
looks that could kill
misery angel
influencers only
person of interest
sine from above
smite your enemies
liquor and stims
i am the great destroyer
shout out to voiddweller - click for bandcamp
when i get my money up
rip'em to fucking shreds
scroll of sorrow
zapruder magnums
other unhinged art
"normal" art that doesn't really serve any purpose besides being art for other non-development things
/report staff has no idea what theyre doing. fuck this server
Background from 'Ukiyo City', my environment design project.
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